
嘗試使用 SBI 來說明案例,詳細說明可以先到這邊進行了解。

SituationTarget描述問題細節1. 發現我們的訂單數量大幅下降。
2. 問題是我沒有足夠的時間來找出根本原因層面出了什麼問題。

SituationSituation定義問題we found a performance of service is not very well.
SituationSituation起初的狀況we get a call from a customer, and they say our sentiment analysis system has some problem, the result is not correct.
SituationTarget當下第一個行動I knew the API, so I check the API endpoint in the first timing
1. I found the result very bad. any sentences are classified as negative.
2. we don’t have any warning or error message from the system.
BehaviorAction決定如何行動I test the API for a few minutes. And I guess the problem is the model using the wrong version, so I want to check the change history and find out the reason.
BehaviorAction為什麼決定這個方式來進行行動1. because I knew is stable and didn’t have any updates this week.
2. I knew the API structure is very simple
so I think it was just a mistake in the config, I can handle the problem.
ImpactResult說明行動的結果After an hour, I found the model has be changed 10 hours ago.
so I fix the config and restart the service.

the reason is, that week, we have 3 co-workers and 15 interns to join us. so we introduce some stable service. and the API is one of this. we hope new co-workers take interns to read codes.
we think it good idea, the co-worker can read line and line, and the intern can understand how to read.
and a problem has happened, a new colleague thinks it is a test server. so he change some config for the introduction.

the good news, only a few end-users get the wrong result. we email them and apologize for this.

ImpactResult如何進行長期活動so we set review rules. before anyone wants to push now commit to production, you need to get agreement from other partners.


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