Goal: Tramsform and implete algebraic data types
structure of the code follows structure of the data
We have two patterns need to follow:
- pattern matching
- polymorphism
In the First, we defined a algebraic data type
type ADType = {
type: string
type Email = ADType & {
host: string
address: string
type Address = ADType & {
country: string
address: string
type ConnectMethod = Email | Address
const aUser_ConnectMethod: ConnectMethod = {
type: "email",
host: "host",
address: "add"
const bUser_ConnectMethod: ConnectMethod = {
type: "address",
country: "country",
address: "address"
pattern matching
const SendNotificationToUser = (method: ConnectMethod) => {
case "email":{
console.log("the user chiose email method to notify")
case "address":{
console.log("the user chiose address method to notify")
>>> the user chiose email method to notify
interface NotifyMethod {
(method: ConnectMethod): void;
const SendEMail: NotifyMethod = (m: Email): void => {
console.log(`the user chiose email method to notification`)
const SendMail: NotifyMethod = (m: Address): void =>{
console.log(`the user chiose address method to notification`)
>>> the user chiose email method to notification
>>> the user chiose address method to notification
- Processing algebraic data types immediately follows from the structure of the data
- choose between pattern matching and polymorphism by your perferred