Our Work is Never Done
Quick and continuous improvement used to be a luxury,but that also a way for companies to differentiate themselves.
Today, people expect to see constant updates.
You can inform those updates with easily gained knowledge about the people you serve.
See how the Principle of restless reinvention encourages you to harness the knowledge you have to continuously improve.
restless reinvention
a principle of Enterprise Design Thinking that represents active continuous testing and learning in order to improve the solution to a problem
View everything as a prototype
If you start looking at everything you make as a work in progress, you can begin to shift your mindset from waiting until something is perfect to waiting until it’s ready.
This mode of working enables more regular delivery of value to users.
We’re still improving the way we get from Point A to Point B.
Yesterday’s horse-drawn carriage was a prototype for today’s automobile.
Today’s automobile is just another prototype for tomorrow’s transportation breakthrough.
We’re really never done and no solution is ever perfect, but people experiment with how to improve this experience daily all over the world.
a first or early example that is used as a model for what comes later.
Give form to ideas
Don’t waiting your idea perfact! Share idea to public when ready.
Fast to testing,and that low stakes.
Everything starts as an idea, but you can’t learn much about an idea without giving it some form.
Visualize your ideas! so that your team and users can understand them clearly.
Making doesn’t have to be perfact.
It can be as simple as a sketch on a napkin.
just need to communicate the idea enough for someone else to understand it and give you feedback.
Take risks
Failure gets a bad rap.
It’s something many people fight to avoid at all costs.
In fact, some people are so afraid of failure that they never take any risks at all.
But in order to make great things and find answers to the most complex problems, we have to take small, more manageable risks (which sometimes result in failure).
Think about scientists
They constantly rely on failure to disprove hypotheses and come up with their next theory.
They test and disprove, then test again and disprove.
It’s a series of small failures that lead them closer and closer to the truth.
Over the course of time, ideas ebb and flow. They’ll start as boring and move between absurd and brilliant. The more absurd the idea, the more likely it will spawn a brilliant one. So when ideating gets stale or hard, try a strange or silly prompt.
Fail Fast And Cheap
What could you make and test quickly and cheaply?
How would you make it?
How would you measure its success or failure?
a team used failure to their advantage.
Build Playbacks into your workflow
There are a few specific moments where everyone on the team needs to be aligned:
- Starting a new project or initiative.
- Who will be the users and stakeholders?
- What experience are we trying to improve and why?
- Deciding as a team on a future experience for your users.
- What do we think our users need to be successful?
- How are we going to serve those needs?
- Reviewing progress as you deliver.
- Do we successfully deliver value to our users?
- Are we still aligned as a team?
Teams who share their goals by talking about a user and their needs, and inviting feedback along the way, are more likely to understand and deliver on those goals together over time.