Design thinking is for you

Design thinking is the mindset that aims to improve the situation of people through the experiences they have.

If you’re interested in solving problems for people, then you can practice design thinking.

So, what is an experience?

In this mindset, we focus on the experience. for example, if you’re a coffee shop owner, you need…?

  1. a coffee maker?
  2. a place where people can enjoy a cup of coffee?

Extend those questions: 

  1. what difference between the two questions?
  2. what importance of product, service, or experience


Experience is a process of responding to inside requirements, We emphasize 3W (Who wants what), instead of only through the specific method.

Try those experiment

experiment 1: Design a vase

  1. Take 30 seconds to design a vase. Go ahead, and draw in the box below.
  2. See and compare what others have made.
  3. Suppose 2 or 3 specific types of customers, which one would be liked?

product concept design is trying to improve an existing specific

object. This design method was too narrow for innovation and creativity. Modern companies can’t flourish in the highly competitive if only with traditional design patterns.

Let’s take a step back, and open the aperture a bit.

Answer those questions before thinking:

  1. Why would someone buy a vase? 
  2. What is the pro if you get a vase in your house?

Try the activity again, but this time think of it as an experience.

experiment 2: Design a one way to enjoy flowers in your home.

  1. Take 30 seconds to design a better way for someone to enjoy flowers in their home.
  2. Check out all of these ideas

Reflect on the experiment

  • How are the two prompts different?
  • Which method did you prefer? the all of the methods is great?
  • Which was easier for you? Why? 
  • What situation suit which method?

No silver bullet, keeping two weapons will be great for you.

User! User! User!

Design thinking isn’t just for designers!

Even though it includes the word “design,” design thinking is a mindset that anyone can apply.

It simply means that you’re starting to think like a designer. About how you can improve the experience of the people your users.

btw, what’s the user?

“User” is defined that people who interact with the thing, service, offering, system, etc. 

Design thinking in daily work

Think back to the vase experiment.

we don’t often face design development cases like vase problems or other external problems. On the opposite, we need to face the massive problems of industries and governments in our daily work.

we require a specific design thinking pattern that can cover the scale and complexity of these problems.

Enterprise Design Thinking

This method is a tailor-made approach for large, distributed teams to help them quickly deliver human-centered outcomes to the market.

First part: The Thinking Loop (every week)

Understand the present and envision the future in a continuous cycle of observing, reflecting, and making.

  1. Observe Immerse yourself in the real world with research.
  2. Interview users, and watch them work with the current approach
  3. Discuss your ideas with the people who matter most to inform your decision-making and understanding.
  4. Reflect and pay attention to combine your intents and user requirements.
  5. Synthesize what you’ve learned. Adjust and tell the reason to your team.
  6. Come together with your team and share your “aha” moments.
  7. Decide together and move forward with confidence
  8. To make a mock-up, we need to give concrete form to abstract ideas. The earlier you make the faster you learn the response.
  9. Go back to 1.

Loop is mean endless, don’t stop redesigning your baby.

Second part: The Daily Job Execute Principles (1 month for once )

The Daily Principles guide your day-to-day work. Ensure you’re keeping your user requirements in mind, collaborating with a diverse team, and continuously trying to improve your solutions when you execute the current approach.

  • User:
  1. Outcome and Experience of the user.
  2. Dive into users’ businesses, and offer a solution to help users achieve their goals.
  • Reinvention:
  1. what’s the stable part? what’s the part that could be reinvented?
  2. Stay essential and business logical
  • Diverse empowered teams:
  1. Divide the team by different intents 
  2. Create a routine cooperation method of diverse empowered teams 

Third part: The Keys of team management (3 months for once )

  • Hills

Align your team around the meaningful/value user outcomes you want to achieve.

  1. Who is your user? Refer to them by name.
  2. What will your user be able to do that they couldn’t before? Start with a verb and avoid solutions.
  3. What differentiates you from the competition? This should be measurable.
  4. How much user need to pay for the cost and time for it in the traditional method? How about your new approach?
  • Playbacks
  1. Stay team members aligned by regularly exchanging feedback.
  2. Playbacks are story-based presentations that share insights, ideas, and updates to a user experience.
  • Sponsor Users
  1. Invite sponsor users into the work and stay true to real-world needs. Sponsor Users are external clients, future clients, or end users that represent your target audience.
  2. Regularly require domain expertise from sponsor users for your team.
  3. Relationships with Sponsor Users are typically formalized with an agreement that covers confidentiality and our right to use their feedback.

Final part: Team shared language. We are on the same page.

We all communicate through language.

But, communication easily breaks down when we aren’t speaking the same language.

Throughout this course, you’ll explore the vocabulary of Enterprise Design Thinking and start to put the words to work.

The Framework allows you to speak about design thinking across large teams and companies and stay on the same page.

keep communicating and testing ideas always top!

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