評分篇 LLAMA vs Gemini

Gemini 簡介

Gemini 是一個由 Google AI 開發的大型語言模型 (LLM),可以生成文本、翻譯語言、編寫不同類型的創意內容,並以信息豐富的方式回答您的問題。Gemini 具有強大的語言理解能力、廣泛的知識儲備和創造性的思維能力,可用於自然語言處理、創意寫作、教育、客戶服務等領域。


Testing prompt

### Instruction:
  Based on rubric to give a score(0-3) to sentence. Start directly without any unnecessary words, Just like an API.

  ### Rubric:
  1. Clear Claim with Reasons: Claim is unclear/No clear reasons are given/Claim is clear, but the reasons are unclear, absent, or incomplete. Claim and reasons are clearly stated/Claim is clearly stated and the reasons are strong.
  2. Evidence: Central claim is not supported. No evidence provided. /Attempts to support the central claim and reasons with facts, but information is unclear, inaccurate, or lacks citations./Supports the central claim and reasons with facts. necessary details, and citations. /Supports the central claim and reasons with strong facts, thorough details, and accurate citations.
  3. Explanation: Contains little to no explanation or analysis of the information presented. /Attempts to explain and analyze the information, but the explanation is unclear or inaccurate. / Clearly explains and analyzes most of the information presented. / Clearly, concisely, and thoroughly explains and analyzes the information presented.
  4. Conclusion: Abrupt or absent ending. No concluding statement. / Ends with a concluding statement that does not clearly relate to the central claim./ Ends with a concluding statement about the central claim./ Ends with a strong or compelling concluding statement that clearly relates to the central claim.
  5. Formal Tone and Style: Informal language present throughout./Writing contains some informal elements (e.g., contractions)./Writing attempts to maintain a formal and objective tone. /Writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout.
  6. Organization & Transitions: Little to no attempt at organization. /Attempts to organize ideas, but transitional language is needed. /Organizes ideas in a logical way. Transitional language used. /Strong organization and transitional language used skillfully throughout.
  7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar):Distracting mechanical errors throughout./Mechanical errors distract at times/A few errors present, but they do not distract./Mechanics reflect careful editing.

  ### Example:
  Sentence: the US should support Taiwan for stability in the region and to uphold democratic principles. However, it's crucial to prioritize diplomatic solutions to avoid conflict. ;

  1. Clear Claim with Reasons: No clear reasons are given -> 1
  2. Evidence: Central claim is not supported. No evidence provided -> 0
  3. Explanation: Attempts to explain and analyze the information, but the explanation is unclear or inaccurate -> 1
  4. Conclusion: Ends with a strong or compelling concluding statement that clearly relates to the central claim. -> 3
  5. Formal Tone and Style: Writing attempts to maintain a formal and objective tone. -> 2
  6. Organization & Transitions: Organizes ideas in a logical way. Transitional language used. -> 2
  7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): Mechanics reflect careful editing -> 3

  SUMSCORE: 1+0+1+3+2+2+3 = 12

### Content 


  • Test Case: 相同內容下可不可以有一樣的分析結果『統一性』
  • 測試方式: 連打五次
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術,以提高核電廠的效率和永續性。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: Claim and reasons are clearly stated -> 3 
2. Evidence: Supports the central claim and reasons with facts. necessary details, and citations. -> 3 
3. Explanation: Clearly explains and analyzes most of the information presented. -> 2 
4. Conclusion: Ends with a strong or compelling concluding statement that clearly relates to the central claim. -> 3 
5. Formal Tone and Style: Writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout. -> 3 
6. Organization & Transitions: Strong organization and transitional language used skillfully throughout. -> 3 
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): Mechanics reflect careful editing -> 3 

SUMSCORE: 3+3+2+3+3+3+3 = 20
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術,以提高核電廠的效率和永續性。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: Claim and reasons are clearly stated -> 3
2. Evidence: Supports the central claim and reasons with facts. necessary details, and citations. -> 3 
3. Explanation: Clearly explains and analyzes most of the information presented. -> 2 
4. Conclusion: Ends with a strong or compelling concluding statement that clearly relates to the central claim. -> 3 
5. Formal Tone and Style: Writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout. -> 3 
6. Organization & Transitions: Strong organization and transitional language used skillfully throughout. -> 3 
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): Mechanics reflect careful editing -> 3 

SUMSCORE: 3+3+2+3+3+3+3 = 20
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術,以提高核電廠的效率和永續性。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: Claim and reasons are clearly stated -> 3 
2. Evidence: Supports the central claim and reasons with facts. necessary details, and citations. -> 3 
3. Explanation: Clearly explains and analyzes most of the information presented. -> 2 
4. Conclusion: Ends with a strong or compelling concluding statement that clearly relates to the central claim. -> 3 
5. Formal Tone and Style: Writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout. -> 3 
6. Organization & Transitions: Strong organization and transitional language used skillfully throughout. -> 3 
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): Mechanics reflect careful editing -> 3 

SUMSCORE: 3+3+2+3+3+3+3 = 20
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術,以提高核電廠的效率和永續性。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: Claim and reasons are clearly stated -> 3 
2. Evidence: Supports the central claim and reasons with facts. necessary details, and citations. -> 3 
3. Explanation: Clearly explains and analyzes most of the information presented. -> 2 
4. Conclusion: Ends with a strong or compelling concluding statement that clearly relates to the central claim. -> 3 
5. Formal Tone and Style: Writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout. -> 3 
6. Organization & Transitions: Strong organization and transitional language used skillfully throughout. -> 3 
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): Mechanics reflect careful editing -> 3 

SUMSCORE: 3+3+2+3+3+3+3 = 20
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術,以提高核電廠的效率和永續性。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: Claim and reasons are clearly stated -> 3 
2. Evidence: Supports the central claim and reasons with facts. necessary details, and citations. -> 3 
3. Explanation: Clearly explains and analyzes most of the information presented. -> 2 
4. Conclusion: Ends with a strong or compelling concluding statement that clearly relates to the central claim. -> 3 
5. Formal Tone and Style: Writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout. -> 3 
6. Organization & Transitions: Strong organization and transitional language used skillfully throughout. -> 3 
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): Mechanics reflect careful editing -> 3

SUMSCORE: 3+3+2+3+3+3+3 = 20
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術,以提高核電廠的效率和永續性。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: The claim is clear and specific, and the reasons are also clearly stated and well-supported. -> 3
2. Evidence: The sentence provides strong evidence from reliable sources to support the claim. -> 3
3. Explanation: The explanation is clear, concise, and well-organized, providing a thorough analysis of the information presented. -> 3
4. Conclusion: The conclusion is strong and clearly related to the central claim, effectively summarizing the main points. -> 3
5. Formal Tone and Style: The writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout, with appropriate use of technical terms and precise language. -> 3
6. Organization & Transitions: The sentence is well-organized and transition phrases are used effectively to connect ideas. -> 2
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): The mechanics are flawless, with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. -> 3

SUMSCORE: 3+3+3+3+2+2+3 = 18
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術,以提高核電廠的效率和永續性。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: The claim is clear and specific, and the reasons are also clearly stated. -> 3
2. Evidence: The sentence provides evidence for the claim by mentioning the need for stable energy supply and considering safety and environmental issues. -> 2
3. Explanation: The sentence provides a brief explanation of the importance of ensuring stable energy supply and the need for advanced technology to improve efficiency and sustainability. -> 2
4. Conclusion: The sentence ends with a conclusion that summarizes the main points and reiterates the importance of the issue. -> 3
5. Formal Tone and Style: The writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout. -> 3
6. Organization & Transitions: The sentence is well-organized and uses transitional phrases to connect ideas. -> 3
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): The mechanics are correct and there are no distracting errors. -> 3

SUMSCORE: 3+2+2+3+3+3+3 = 18
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術,以提高核電廠的效率和永續性。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: The claim is clear and specific, and the reasons are also clearly stated and well-supported. -> 3
2. Evidence: The sentence provides strong evidence from reliable sources to support the claim. -> 3
3. Explanation: The explanation is clear, concise, and well-organized, providing a thorough analysis of the information presented. -> 3
4. Conclusion: The conclusion is strong and clearly related to the central claim, effectively summarizing the main points. -> 3
5. Formal Tone and Style: The writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout, with appropriate use of technical terms and precise language. -> 3
6. Organization & Transitions: The sentence is well-organized and transition phrases are used effectively to connect ideas. -> 2
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): The mechanics are flawless, with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. -> 3

SUMSCORE: 3+3+3+3+2+2+3 = 18
1. Clear Claim with Reasons: The claim is clear and specific, and the reasons are also clearly stated. -> 3
2. Evidence: The sentence provides evidence for the claim by mentioning the need for stable energy supply and considering safety and environmental issues. -> 2
3. Explanation: The sentence provides a clear explanation of the importance of ensuring stable energy supply and the benefits of advanced technology. -> 3
4. Conclusion: The sentence ends with a conclusion that summarizes the main points and reiterates the importance of the issue. -> 3
5. Formal Tone and Style: The writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout. -> 3
6. Organization & Transitions: The sentence is well-organized and uses transitional phrases to connect ideas. -> 3
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): The mechanics are correct and there are no distracting errors. -> 3

SUMSCORE: 3+2+3+3+3+3+3 = 18
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術,以提高核電廠的效率和永續性。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: The claim is clear and specific, and the reasons are also clearly stated and well-supported. -> 3
2. Evidence: The sentence provides strong evidence from reliable sources to support the claim. -> 3
3. Explanation: The explanation is clear, concise, and well-organized, providing a thorough analysis of the information presented. -> 3
4. Conclusion: The conclusion is strong and clearly related to the central claim, providing a sense of completeness and finality. -> 3
5. Formal Tone and Style: The writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout, with appropriate use of technical terms and precise language. -> 3
6. Organization & Transitions: The sentence is well-organized and transition phrases are used effectively to connect ideas. -> 2
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): The mechanics are flawless, with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. -> 3

SUMSCORE: 3+3+3+3+2+2+3 = 18
  • Test Case : 是否能正確針對內容進行理解和分析 『分辨性』 
  • 測試方式:逐項縮短內容
對於台灣的核電發展。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: Claim is unclear/No clear reasons are given -> 0 
2. Evidence: Central claim is not supported. No evidence provided -> 0 
3. Explanation: Contains little to no explanation or analysis of the information presented. -> 0 
4. Conclusion: Abrupt or absent ending. No concluding statement. -> 0 
5. Formal Tone and Style: Informal language present throughout. -> 0 
6. Organization & Transitions: Little to no attempt at organization. -> 0 
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): Distracting mechanical errors throughout. -> 0 

SUMSCORE: 0+0+0+0+0+0+0 = 0
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: Claim is clear, but the reasons are unclear, absent, or incomplete -> 1 
2. Evidence: No evidence provided -> 0 
3. Explanation: Contains little to no explanation or analysis of the information presented -> 0 
4. Conclusion: Abrupt or absent ending. No concluding statement -> 0 
5. Formal Tone and Style: Writing attempts to maintain a formal and objective tone -> 2 
6. Organization & Transitions: Little to no attempt at organization -> 0 
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): Mechanics reflect careful editing -> 3 

SUMSCORE: 1+0+0+0+2+0+3 = 6
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: Claim is clear, but the reasons are unclear, absent, or incomplete -> 2 
2. Evidence: Attempts to support the central claim and reasons with facts, but information is unclear, inaccurate, or lacks citations. -> 1 
3. Explanation: Clearly explains and analyzes most of the information presented. -> 2 
4. Conclusion: Ends with a concluding statement about the central claim. -> 2 
5. Formal Tone and Style: Writing attempts to maintain a formal and objective tone. -> 2 
6. Organization & Transitions: Organizes ideas in a logical way. Transitional language used. -> 2 
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): Mechanics reflect careful editing -> 3 

SUMSCORE: 2+1+2+2+2+2+3 = 14
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: Claim is clear, but the reasons are unclear, absent, or incomplete. -> 2 
2. Evidence: Attempts to support the central claim and reasons with facts, but information is unclear, inaccurate, or lacks citations. -> 1 
3. Explanation: Clearly explains and analyzes most of the information presented. -> 2 
4. Conclusion: Ends with a strong or compelling concluding statement that clearly relates to the central claim. -> 3 
5. Formal Tone and Style: Writing attempts to maintain a formal and objective tone. -> 2 
6. Organization & Transitions: Organizes ideas in a logical way. Transitional language used. -> 2 
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): Mechanics reflect careful editing -> 3 

SUMSCORE: 2+1+2+3+2+2+3 = 15
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術,以提高核電廠的效率和永續性。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: Claim and reasons are clearly stated -> 3 
2. Evidence: Supports the central claim and reasons with facts. necessary details, and citations. -> 3 
3. Explanation: Clearly explains and analyzes most of the information presented. -> 2 
4. Conclusion: Ends with a strong or compelling concluding statement that clearly relates to the central claim. -> 3 
5. Formal Tone and Style: Writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout. -> 3 
6. Organization & Transitions: Strong organization and transitional language used skillfully throughout. -> 3 
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): Mechanics reflect careful editing -> 3 

SUMSCORE: 3+3+2+3+3+3+3 = 20

對於台灣的核電發展。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: The claim is clear, but the reasons are not fully developed or explained. -> 2
2. Evidence: There is no evidence provided to support the claim. -> 0
3. Explanation: The explanation is brief and lacks detail. -> 1
4. Conclusion: There is no conclusion present. -> 0
5. Formal Tone and Style: The writing style is informal and could benefit from more formal language. -> 1
6. Organization & Transitions: The sentence is a single thought and lacks transition phrases. -> 1
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): There are no mechanical errors. -> 3

SUMSCORE: 2+0+1+0+1+1+3 = 8
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: The claim is clear, but the reasons are not fully developed or explained -> 2
2. Evidence: Central claim is not supported. No evidence provided -> 0
3. Explanation: Provides some explanation and analysis of the information presented, but could be more detailed and clear -> 2
4. Conclusion: Ends with a concluding statement that relates to the central claim, but could be stronger -> 2
5. Formal Tone and Style: Writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout -> 3
6. Organization & Transitions: Ideas are organized in a logical way, but transitional language could be improved -> 2
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): Mechanics are generally good, but there may be a few minor errors -> 2

SUMSCORE: 2+0+2+2+3+2+2 = 12
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: The claim is clear and specific, and the reasons are also clearly stated. -> 3
2. Evidence: The sentence provides evidence for the claim by mentioning “能源穩定供應” and “安全和環境問題.” -> 2
3. Explanation: The sentence provides a brief explanation of the importance of ensuring stable energy supply and considering safety and environmental issues. -> 2
4. Conclusion: The sentence ends with a conclusion that logically follows from the previous statements. -> 3
5. Formal Tone and Style: The writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout. -> 3
6. Organization & Transitions: The sentence is well-organized and uses transitional language to connect the ideas. -> 3
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): The mechanics are correct and there are no distracting errors. -> 3

SUMSCORE: 3+2+2+3+3+3 = 15
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: The claim is clear and specific, and the reasons are also clearly stated. -> 3
2. Evidence: The sentence provides evidence for the claim by mentioning “能源穩定供應” and “安全和環境問題.” -> 2
3. Explanation: The sentence provides a brief explanation of the importance of ensuring stable energy supply and considering safety and environmental issues. -> 2 4. Conclusion: The sentence ends with a conclusion that summarizes the main point and emphasizes the need for continued development and investment in advanced technology. -> 3
5. Formal Tone and Style: The writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout. -> 3
6. Organization & Transitions: The sentence is well-organized and uses transitional language to connect the ideas. -> 3
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): The mechanics are correct and there are no distracting errors. -> 3

SUMSCORE: 3+2+2+3+3+3 = 15
對於台灣的核電發展,我認為必須確保能源穩定供應,同時優先考慮安全和環境問題。台灣應繼續開發和投資先進技術,以提高核電廠的效率和永續性。1. Clear Claim with Reasons: The claim is clear and specific, and the reasons are also clearly stated and well-supported. -> 3
2. Evidence: The sentence provides strong evidence from reliable sources to support the claim. -> 3
3. Explanation: The explanation is clear, concise, and well-organized, providing a thorough analysis of the information presented. -> 3
4. Conclusion: The conclusion is strong and clearly related to the central claim, effectively summarizing the main points. -> 3
5. Formal Tone and Style: The writing maintains a formal and objective tone throughout, with appropriate use of technical terms and vocabulary. -> 3
6. Organization & Transitions: The sentence is well-organized and transition phrases are used effectively to connect ideas. -> 3
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar): The mechanics are flawless, with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. -> 3

SUMSCORE: 3+3+3+3+3+3+3 = 21

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