Write A Great Problem

You’ve learned about the core concepts and practices of Enterprise Design Thinking throughout this course, but tomorrow you’ll be confronted with “business as usual.”

Your daily habits are really hard to break, like checking your email and going to meetings without sharing your great ideas.You might even revert back to a focus on your own problems instead of your users’.

let we make a pipeline to restart your all of day.

Define your problem

First step to practicing Enterprise Design Thinking is to refocus your work as a user-centered problem.

Problem statements help us answer the question:

“Where do we start?”

They put the user front and center, and align everyone around a clear issue to solve. However, they don’t dictate implementation or a specific solution. Problem statements are often the seeds of Hills.

Here’s one formula for problem statements:

<Our users> struggle to <achieve some task> today because <blockers, limitations, etc.>


a Key of Enterprise Design Thinking, a human-focused mission statement that describes a future enablement for a specific user
Align your team around the meaningful user outcomes you want to achieve. Hills are statements of intent written as user enablements. They follow a format of Who, What, and Wow.


Who is your user? Refer to them by name.


What will your user be able to do that they couldn’t before?

Start with a verb and avoid solutions.


What differentiates you from the competition? This is measurable.

Remember the 5 Whys activity

  1. What business problem are you trying to solve?
  2. Why might that be?
  3. Why might that be?
  4. Why
  5. Why
  6. Why

Learn how to craft a sentence that frames your users’ current pain points.


Go with Principles

  • A focus on user outcomes:
    • Problem statements should always include a user and their current problem—not yours.
  • Restless reinvention:
    • Problem statements should be flexible and iterative as you learn more about your users and their current state.
  • Diverse Empowered Teams:
    • Problem statements should be written with all members of your team who bring relevant expertise.

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